Nidhi is a master coach, an author, a passionate speaker, wellbeing Officer and an inclusion support for behavioural children.
Nidhi currently serves as a Chief Executive Officer for “NidhiPerception”. She is a passionate woman who loves to work with behavioural children in the age between 4 months to 5 years. Working with challenges and getting break throughs is what she loves about her work.
While building a brand may have looked effortless from the outside. Starting a business at a middle age with no resource or funding quickly forced me to realise that middle stage entreneurship was anything but transparent. She began documenting her experience and learning by focusing on helping and supporting more young children in building their independence and making a difference in their lives. More than a decade, she has been in this Industry.
Most of her work is a Humanitarian response. She believes that affected communities are always the first responders, and by listening we increase equality, justice and surge capacity.
She is not afraid to dig in deep with her research and other information, and figure out the best way to leverage it.
• Bachelor in Psychology
• Diploma in Education and care
• Certificate III in Childcare services
• Certificate IV Behavioural Support (In progress)
• Card No.: 1848618A-01 (Victoria State Government)